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ACTION_DO_INTERCEPT - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to present the message to the user for manual review or modification.
ACTION_DO_INTERCEPT_AND_REHOOK - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to present the message to the user for manual review or modification, and then make a second call to processProxyMessage.
ACTION_DONT_INTERCEPT - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to forward the message to the remote server or client, without presenting it to the user.
ACTION_DONT_INTERCEPT_AND_REHOOK - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to skip user interception, and then make a second call to processProxyMessage.
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to drop the message.
ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message.
ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES_AND_REHOOK - Static variable in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This action causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine the appropriate action to take for the message, and then make a second call to processProxyMessage.
addParameter(byte[], IParameter) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method adds a new parameter to an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header.
addScanIssue(IScanIssue) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a new Scanner issue.
addSuiteTab(ITab) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to add a custom tab to the main Burp Suite window.
addToSiteMap(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to add an item to Burp's site map with the specified request/response details.
analyzeRequest(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to analyze an HTTP request, and obtain various key details about it.
analyzeRequest(IHttpService, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to analyze an HTTP request, and obtain various key details about it.
analyzeRequest(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to analyze an HTTP request, and obtain various key details about it.
analyzeResponse(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to analyze an HTTP response, and obtain various key details about it.
analyzeResponseKeywords(List<String>, byte[]...) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method analyzes one or more responses to identify the number of occurrences of the specified keywords and returns an IResponseKeywords object that can be queried to obtain details of the number of occurrences of each keyword.
analyzeResponseVariations(byte[]...) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method analyzes one or more responses to identify variations in a number of attributes and returns an IResponseVariations object that can be queried to obtain details of the variations.
applyMarkers(IHttpRequestResponse, List<int[]>, List<int[]>) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to apply markers to an HTTP request or response, at offsets into the message that are relevant for some particular purpose.


base64Decode(String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to Base64-decode the specified data.
base64Decode(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to Base64-decode the specified data.
base64Encode(String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to Base64-encode the specified data.
base64Encode(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to Base64-encode the specified data.
buildHeader(String, String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method constructs an IHttpHeader object based on the details provided.
buildHttpMessage(List<String>, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method builds an HTTP message containing the specified headers and message body.
buildHttpRequest(URL) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method creates a GET request to the specified URL.
buildHttpService(String, int, String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method constructs an IHttpService object based on the details provided.
buildHttpService(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method constructs an IHttpService object based on the details provided.
buildParameter(String, String, byte) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method constructs an IParameter object based on the details provided.
buildRequest(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method is used to build a request with the specified payload placed into the insertion point.
burp - package burp
bytesToString(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to convert data from an array of bytes into String form.


cancel() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method allows the scan queue item to be canceled.
consolidateDuplicateIssues(IScanIssue, IScanIssue) - Method in interface burp.IScannerCheck
The Scanner invokes this method when the custom Scanner check has reported multiple issues for the same URL path.
CONTENT_TYPE_AMF - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate AMF content.
CONTENT_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate JSON content.
CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate multi-part content.
CONTENT_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate that there is no content.
CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate unknown content.
CONTENT_TYPE_URL_ENCODED - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate URL-encoded content.
CONTENT_TYPE_XML - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate XML content.
CONTEXT_INTRUDER_ATTACK_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in an Intruder attack results.
CONTEXT_INTRUDER_PAYLOAD_POSITIONS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Intruder payload positions editor.
CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_REQUEST - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a request editor.
CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a response editor.
CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_REQUEST - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a non-editable request viewer.
CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a non-editable response viewer.
CONTEXT_PROXY_HISTORY - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Proxy history.
CONTEXT_SCANNER_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Scanner results.
CONTEXT_SEARCH_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a search results window.
CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TABLE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Target site map table.
CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TREE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Target site map tree.
createBurpCollaboratorClientContext() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new Burp Collaborator client context, which can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those payloads.
createMenuItems(IContextMenuInvocation) - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuFactory
This method will be called by Burp when the user invokes a context menu anywhere within Burp.
createMessageEditor(IMessageEditorController, boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp's HTTP message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
createNewInstance(IIntruderAttack) - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
This method is used by Burp when the user starts an Intruder attack that uses this payload generator.
createNewInstance(IMessageEditorController, boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTabFactory
Burp will call this method once for each HTTP message editor, and the factory should provide a new instance of an IMessageEditorTab object.
createTextEditor() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp's plain text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
customizeUiComponent(Component) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to customize UI components in line with Burp's UI style, including font size, colors, table line spacing, etc.


delete() - Method in interface burp.ITempFile
deleteTempFiles() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponsePersisted
doActiveScan(String, int, boolean, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active vulnerability scan.
doActiveScan(String, int, boolean, byte[], List<int[]>) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active vulnerability scan, based on a custom list of insertion points that are to be scanned.
doActiveScan(IHttpRequestResponse, IScannerInsertionPoint) - Method in interface burp.IScannerCheck
The Scanner invokes this method for each insertion point that is actively scanned.
doPassiveScan(String, int, boolean, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform a passive vulnerability scan.
doPassiveScan(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IScannerCheck
The Scanner invokes this method for each base request / response that is passively scanned.


excludeFromScope(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide scope.
exitSuite(boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to shut down Burp programmatically, with an optional prompt to the user.
extensionUnloaded() - Method in interface burp.IExtensionStateListener
This method is called when the extension is unloaded.


fetchAllCollaboratorInteractions() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve all interactions received by the Collaborator server resulting from payloads that were generated for this context.
fetchAllInfiltratorInteractions() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve all interactions made by Burp Infiltrator instrumentation resulting from payloads that were generated for this context.
fetchCollaboratorInteractionsFor(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve interactions received by the Collaborator server resulting from a single payload that was generated for this context.
fetchInfiltratorInteractionsFor(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve interactions made by Burp Infiltrator instrumentation resulting from a single payload that was generated for this context.


generatePayload(boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to generate new Burp Collaborator payloads.
generateScanReport(String, IScanIssue[], File) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to generate a report for the specified Scanner issues.
getActionName() - Method in interface burp.ISessionHandlingAction
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the session handling action.
getAttributeValue(String, int) - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the value of an individual attribute in a response.
getBaseValue() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the base value for this insertion point.
getBodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the offset within the request where the message body begins.
getBodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the offset within the response where the message body begins.
getBuffer() - Method in interface burp.ITempFile
This method is used to retrieve the contents of the buffer that was saved in the temporary file.
getBurpVersion() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method retrieves information about the version of Burp in which the extension is running.
getClientIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the client IP address from which the request for the intercepted message was received.
getCollaboratorServerLocation() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve the network location of the Collaborator server.
getCommandLineArguments() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns the command line arguments that were passed to Burp on startup.
getComment() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the user-annotated comment for this item, if applicable.
getComponent() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method returns the UI component of the editor, for extensions to add to their own UI.
getComponent() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method returns the UI component of the editor, for extensions to add to their own UI.
getConfidence() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the issue confidence level.
getContentType() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the content type of the message body.
getContextMenuFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the context menu factories that are registered by the extension.
getCookieJarContents() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the contents of Burp's session handling cookie jar.
getCookies() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain details of the HTTP cookies set in the response.
getDomain() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the domain for which the cookie is in scope.
getExpiration() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the expiration time for the cookie.
getExtensionFilename() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method retrieves the absolute path name of the file from which the current extension was loaded.
getExtensionStateListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the extension state listeners that are registered by the extension.
getGeneratorName() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the payload generator.
getHeaders(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Use IExtensionHelpers.analyzeRequest() or IExtensionHelpers.analyzeResponse() instead.
getHeaders() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP headers contained in the request.
getHeaders() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP headers contained in the response.
getHelpers() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain an IExtensionHelpers object, which can be used by the extension to perform numerous useful tasks.
getHighlight() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the user-annotated highlight for this item, if applicable.
getHost() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the hostname or IP address for the service.
getHttpListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP listeners that are registered by the extension.
getHttpMessages() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the HTTP messages on the basis of which the issue was generated.
getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for this request / response.
getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderAttack
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for the attack.
getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for the current message.
getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the HTTP service for which the issue was generated.
getInferredMimeType() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the MIME type of the response, as inferred from the contents of the HTTP message body.
getInputEvent() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the native Java input event that was the trigger for the context menu invocation.
getInsertionPointName() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the name of the insertion point.
getInsertionPoints(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPointProvider
When a request is actively scanned, the Scanner will invoke this method, and the provider should provide a list of custom insertion points that will be used in the scan.
getInsertionPointType() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the type of the insertion point.
getInterceptAction() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the currently defined interception action.
getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload generator factories that are registered by the extension.
getIntruderPayloadProcessors() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload processors that are registered by the extension.
getInvariantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the list of attributes that do not vary between the analyzed responses.
getInvariantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the list of keywords whose counts do not vary between the analyzed responses.
getInvocationContext() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the context within which the menu was invoked.
getIssueBackground() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a background description for this type of issue.
getIssueDetail() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns detailed information about this specific instance of the issue.
getIssueName() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the name of the issue type.
getIssues() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns details of the issues generated for the scan queue item.
getIssueType() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a numeric identifier of the issue type.
getKeywordCount(String, int) - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the number of occurrences of an individual keyword in a response.
getListenerInterface() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the name of the Burp Proxy listener that is processing the intercepted message.
getMessage() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method is used to retrieve the currently displayed message, which may have been modified by the user.
getMessage() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the currently displayed message.
getMessageEditorTabFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the message editor tab factories that are registered by the extension.
getMessageInfo() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves details of the intercepted message.
getMessageReference() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves a unique reference number for this request/response.
getMethod() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP method used in the request.
getName() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the name of the cookie.
getName() - Method in interface burp.IHttpHeader
This method is used to retrieve the name of the header.
getName() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter name.
getNameEnd() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the end offset of the parameter name within the HTTP request.
getNameStart() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the start offset of the parameter name within the HTTP request.
getNextPayload(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGenerator
This method is used by Burp to obtain the value of the next payload.
getNumErrors() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of network errors that have occurred for the scan queue item.
getNumInsertionPoints() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of attack insertion points being used for the scan queue item.
getNumRequests() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of requests that have been made for the scan queue item.
getParameters(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Use IExtensionHelpers.analyzeRequest() instead.
getParameters() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the parameters contained in the request.
getPath() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the path for which the cookie is in scope.
getPayloadOffsets(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method is used to determine the offsets of the payload value within the request, when it is placed into the insertion point.
getPercentageComplete() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
getPort() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the port number for the service.
getProcessorName() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadProcessor
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the payload processor.
getProperties() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorInteraction
This method is used to retrieve a map containing all properties of the interaction.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorInteraction
This method is used to retrieve a property of the interaction.
getProtocol() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the protocol for the service.
getProxyHistory() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns details of all items in the Proxy history.
getProxyListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Proxy listeners that are registered by the extension.
getRemediationBackground() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a background description of the remediation for this type of issue.
getRemediationDetail() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns detailed information about the remediation for this specific instance of the issue.
getRequest() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the request message.
getRequest() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP request associated with the current message (which may itself be a response).
getRequestMarkers() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers
This method returns the details of the request markers.
getRequestParameter(byte[], String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to retrieve details of a specified parameter within an HTTP request.
getRequestTemplate() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderAttack
This method is used to retrieve the request template for the attack.
getResponse() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the response message.
getResponse() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP response associated with the current message (which may itself be a request).
getResponseMarkers() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers
This method returns the details of the response markers.
getScanIssues(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns all of the current scan issues for URLs matching the specified literal prefix.
getScannerChecks() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner checks that are registered by the extension.
getScannerInsertionPointProviders() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner insertion point providers that are registered by the extension.
getScannerListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner listeners that are registered by the extension.
getScopeChangeListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the scope change listeners that are registered by the extension.
getSelectedData() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method returns the data that is currently selected by the user.
getSelectedData() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method is used to retrieve the data that is currently selected by the user.
getSelectedIssues() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve details of the Scanner issues that were selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
getSelectedMessages() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve details of the HTTP requests / responses that were shown or selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
getSelectedText() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to obtain the currently selected text.
getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection into the current message, if applicable.
getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection into the displayed message, if applicable.
getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection into the displayed text, if applicable.
getSessionHandlingActions() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the session handling actions that are registered by the extension.
getSeverity() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the issue severity level.
getSiteMap(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns details of items in the site map.
getStatedMimeType() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the MIME type of the response, as stated in the HTTP headers.
getStatus() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns a description of the status of the scan queue item.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP status code contained in the response.
getStderr() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the current extension's standard error stream.
getStdout() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the current extension's standard output stream.
getTabCaption() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the caption that should appear on the custom tab when it is displayed.
getTabCaption() - Method in interface burp.ITab
Burp uses this method to obtain the caption that should appear on the custom tab when it is displayed.
getText() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to retrieve the currently displayed text.
getToolFlag() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the Burp tool within which the context menu was invoked.
getToolName(int) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the descriptive name for the Burp tool identified by the tool flag provided.
getType() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter type.
getUiComponent() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the component that should be used as the contents of the custom tab when it is displayed.
getUiComponent() - Method in interface burp.ITab
Burp uses this method to obtain the component that should be used as the contents of the custom tab when it is displayed.
getUrl() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the URL in the request.
getUrl() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the URL for which the issue was generated.
getValue() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the value of the cookie.
getValue() - Method in interface burp.IHttpHeader
This method is used to retrieve the value of the header.
getValue() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter value.
getValueEnd() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the end offset of the parameter value within the HTTP request.
getValueStart() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the start offset of the parameter value within the HTTP request.
getVariantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the list of attributes that vary between the analyzed responses.
getVariantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the list of keywords whose counts vary between the analyzed responses.


hasMorePayloads() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGenerator
This method is used by Burp to determine whether the payload generator is able to provide any further payloads.


IBurpCollaboratorClientContext - Interface in burp
This interface represents an instance of a Burp Collaborator client context, which can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those payloads.
IBurpCollaboratorInteraction - Interface in burp
This interface represents a network interaction that occurred with the Burp Collaborator server.
IBurpExtender - Interface in burp
All extensions must implement this interface.
IBurpExtenderCallbacks - Interface in burp
This interface is used by Burp Suite to pass to extensions a set of callback methods that can be used by extensions to perform various actions within Burp.
IContextMenuFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerContextMenuFactory() to register a factory for custom context menu items.
IContextMenuInvocation - Interface in burp
This interface is used when Burp calls into an extension-provided IContextMenuFactory with details of a context menu invocation.
ICookie - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP cookie.
IExtensionHelpers - Interface in burp
This interface contains a number of helper methods, which extensions can use to assist with various common tasks that arise for Burp extensions.
IExtensionStateListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerExtensionStateListener() to register an extension state listener.
IHttpHeader - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP/2 header.
IHttpListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerHttpListener() to register an HTTP listener.
IHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve and update details about HTTP messages.
IHttpRequestResponsePersisted - Interface in burp
This interface is used for an IHttpRequestResponse object whose request and response messages have been saved to temporary files using IBurpExtenderCallbacks.saveBuffersToTempFiles().
IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers - Interface in burp
This interface is used for an IHttpRequestResponse object that has had markers applied.
IHttpService - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide details about an HTTP service, to which HTTP requests can be sent.
IInterceptedProxyMessage - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent an HTTP message that has been intercepted by Burp Proxy.
IIntruderAttack - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an Intruder attack.
IIntruderPayloadGenerator - Interface in burp
This interface is used for custom Intruder payload generators.
IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory() to register a factory for custom Intruder payloads.
IIntruderPayloadProcessor - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerIntruderPayloadProcessor() to register a custom Intruder payload processor.
IMenuItemHandler - Interface in burp
Use IContextMenuFactory instead.
IMessageEditor - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide extensions with an instance of Burp's HTTP message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
IMessageEditorController - Interface in burp
This interface is used by an IMessageEditor to obtain details about the currently displayed message.
IMessageEditorTab - Interface in burp
Extensions that register an IMessageEditorTabFactory must return instances of this interface, which Burp will use to create custom tabs within its HTTP message editors.
IMessageEditorTabFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerMessageEditorTabFactory() to register a factory for custom message editor tabs.
includeInScope(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to include the specified URL in the Suite-wide scope.
indexOf(byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern.
INS_ENTIRE_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the body of the HTTP request.
INS_EXTENSION_PROVIDED - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the insertion point is provided by an extension-registered IScannerInsertionPointProvider.
INS_HEADER - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP request header.
INS_PARAM_AMF - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an AMF parameter.
INS_PARAM_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a body parameter.
INS_PARAM_COOKIE - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP cookie.
INS_PARAM_JSON - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item of data within a JSON structure.
INS_PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a parameter attribute within a multi-part message body (such as the name of an uploaded file).
INS_PARAM_NAME_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added body parameter.
INS_PARAM_NAME_URL - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added URL parameter.
INS_PARAM_URL - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a URL parameter.
INS_PARAM_XML - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item of data within an XML data structure.
INS_PARAM_XML_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a tag attribute within an XML structure.
INS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at an unknown location within the request.
INS_URL_PATH_FILENAME - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the URL path filename.
INS_URL_PATH_FOLDER - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into a URL path folder.
INS_URL_PATH_REST - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
INS_USER_PROVIDED - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at a location manually configured by the user.
IParameter - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP request parameter.
IProxyListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerProxyListener() to register a Proxy listener.
IRequestInfo - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve key details about an HTTP request.
IResponseInfo - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve key details about an HTTP response.
IResponseKeywords - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent the counts of keywords appearing in a number of HTTP responses.
IResponseVariations - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent variations between a number HTTP responses, according to various attributes.
IScanIssue - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve details of Scanner issues.
IScannerCheck - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerScannerCheck() to register a custom Scanner check.
IScannerInsertionPoint - Interface in burp
This interface is used to define an insertion point for use by active Scanner checks.
IScannerInsertionPointProvider - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerScannerInsertionPointProvider() to register a factory for custom Scanner insertion points.
IScannerListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerScannerListener() to register a Scanner listener.
IScanQueueItem - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve details of items in the Burp Scanner active scan queue.
IScopeChangeListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerScopeChangeListener() to register a scope change listener.
isEnabled(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
The hosting editor will invoke this method before it displays a new HTTP message, so that the custom tab can indicate whether it should be enabled for that message.
ISessionHandlingAction - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call IBurpExtenderCallbacks.registerSessionHandlingAction() to register a custom session handling action.
isExtensionBapp() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method determines whether the current extension was loaded as a BApp (a Burp App from the BApp Store).
isInScope(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide scope.
isMessageModified() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method is used to determine whether the current message has been modified by the user.
isModified() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method is used to determine whether the currently displayed message has been modified by the user.
issueAlert(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to display a specified message in the Burp Suite alerts tab.
isTextModified() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to determine whether the user has modified the contents of the editor.
ITab - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide Burp with details of a custom tab that will be added to Burp's UI, using a method such as IBurpExtenderCallbacks.addSuiteTab().
ITempFile - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details of a temporary file that has been created via a call to IBurpExtenderCallbacks.saveToTempFile().
ITextEditor - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide extensions with an instance of Burp's raw text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.


loadConfig(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Use loadConfigFromJson() instead.
loadConfigFromJson(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method causes Burp to load a new project-level configuration from the JSON String provided.
loadExtensionSetting(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to load configuration settings for the extension that were saved using the method saveExtensionSetting().


makeHttp2Request(IHttpService, List<IHttpHeader>, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP/2 requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttp2Request(IHttpService, List<IHttpHeader>, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP/2 requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttp2Request(IHttpService, List<IHttpHeader>, byte[], boolean, String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP/2 requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttpRequest(IHttpService, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttpRequest(IHttpService, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttpRequest(String, int, boolean, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
makeHttpRequest(String, int, boolean, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to issue HTTP requests and retrieve their responses.
makeScannerInsertionPoint(String, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method constructs an IScannerInsertionPoint object based on the details provided.
menuItemClicked(String, IHttpRequestResponse[]) - Method in interface burp.IMenuItemHandler
This method is invoked by Burp Suite when the user clicks on a custom menu item which the extension has registered with Burp.


newScanIssue(IScanIssue) - Method in interface burp.IScannerListener
This method is invoked when a new issue is added to Burp Scanner's results.


PARAM_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate a parameter within the message body.
PARAM_COOKIE - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate an HTTP cookie.
PARAM_JSON - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate an item of data within a JSON structure.
PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate the value of a parameter attribute within a multi-part message body (such as the name of an uploaded file).
PARAM_URL - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate a parameter within the URL query string.
PARAM_XML - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate an item of data within an XML structure.
PARAM_XML_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IParameter
Used to indicate the value of a tag attribute within an XML structure.
performAction(IHttpRequestResponse, IHttpRequestResponse[]) - Method in interface burp.ISessionHandlingAction
This method is invoked when the session handling action should be executed.
printError(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method prints a line of output to the current extension's standard error stream.
printOutput(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method prints a line of output to the current extension's standard output stream.
processHttpMessage(int, boolean, IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IHttpListener
This method is invoked when an HTTP request is about to be issued, and when an HTTP response has been received.
processPayload(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadProcessor
This method is invoked by Burp each time the processor should be applied to an Intruder payload.
processProxyMessage(boolean, IInterceptedProxyMessage) - Method in interface burp.IProxyListener
This method is invoked when an HTTP message is being processed by the Proxy.


registerContextMenuFactory(IContextMenuFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a factory for custom context menu items.
registerExtenderCallbacks(IBurpExtenderCallbacks) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtender
This method is invoked when the extension is loaded.
registerExtensionStateListener(IExtensionStateListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to the extension's state.
registerHttpListener(IHttpListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses made by any Burp tool.
registerIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a factory for Intruder payloads.
registerIntruderPayloadProcessor(IIntruderPayloadProcessor) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a custom Intruder payload processor.
registerMenuItem(String, IMenuItemHandler) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Use registerContextMenuFactory() instead.
registerMessageEditorTabFactory(IMessageEditorTabFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a factory for custom message editor tabs.
registerProxyListener(IProxyListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of requests and responses being processed by the Proxy tool.
registerScannerCheck(IScannerCheck) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a custom Scanner check.
registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(IScannerInsertionPointProvider) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a provider of Scanner insertion points.
registerScannerListener(IScannerListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of new issues that are reported by the Scanner tool.
registerScopeChangeListener(IScopeChangeListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a listener which will be notified of changes to Burp's suite-wide target scope.
registerSessionHandlingAction(ISessionHandlingAction) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to register a custom session handling action.
removeContextMenuFactory(IContextMenuFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a context menu factory that has been registered by the extension.
removeExtensionStateListener(IExtensionStateListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove an extension state listener that has been registered by the extension.
removeHttpListener(IHttpListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove an HTTP listener that has been registered by the extension.
removeIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory(IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload generator factory that has been registered by the extension.
removeIntruderPayloadProcessor(IIntruderPayloadProcessor) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove an Intruder payload processor that has been registered by the extension.
removeMessageEditorTabFactory(IMessageEditorTabFactory) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a message editor tab factory that has been registered by the extension.
removeParameter(byte[], IParameter) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method removes a parameter from an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header.
removeProxyListener(IProxyListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a Proxy listener that has been registered by the extension.
removeScannerCheck(IScannerCheck) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a Scanner check that has been registered by the extension.
removeScannerInsertionPointProvider(IScannerInsertionPointProvider) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a Scanner insertion point provider that has been registered by the extension.
removeScannerListener(IScannerListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a Scanner listener that has been registered by the extension.
removeScopeChangeListener(IScopeChangeListener) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a scope change listener that has been registered by the extension.
removeSessionHandlingAction(ISessionHandlingAction) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a session handling action that has been registered by the extension.
removeSuiteTab(ITab) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to remove a previously-added tab from the main Burp Suite window.
reset() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGenerator
This method is used by Burp to reset the state of the payload generator so that the next call to getNextPayload() returns the first payload again.
restoreState(File) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
State files have been replaced with Burp project files.


saveBuffersToTempFiles(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to save the request and response of an IHttpRequestResponse object to temporary files, so that they are no longer held in memory.
saveConfig() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Use saveConfigAsJson() instead.
saveConfigAsJson(String...) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method causes Burp to save its current project-level configuration in JSON format.
saveExtensionSetting(String, String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to save configuration settings for the extension in a persistent way that survives reloads of the extension and of Burp Suite.
saveState(File) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
State files have been replaced with Burp project files.
saveToTempFile(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a temporary file on disk containing the provided data.
scopeChanged() - Method in interface burp.IScopeChangeListener
This method is invoked whenever a change occurs to Burp's suite-wide target scope.
sendToComparer(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send data to the Comparer tool.
sendToIntruder(String, int, boolean, byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToIntruder(String, int, boolean, byte[], List<int[]>) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool.
sendToRepeater(String, int, boolean, byte[], String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
sendToSpider(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to send a seed URL to the Burp Spider tool.
setComment(String) - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to update the user-annotated comment for this item.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to control whether the editor is currently editable.
setExtensionName(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to set the display name for the current extension, which will be displayed within the user interface for the Extender tool.
setHighlight(String) - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to update the user-annotated highlight for this item.
setHttpService(IHttpService) - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to update the HTTP service for this request / response.
setInterceptAction(int) - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method is used to update the interception action.
setMessage(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method is used to display an HTTP message in the editor.
setMessage(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
The hosting editor will invoke this method to display a new message or to clear the existing message.
setProxyInterceptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method sets the master interception mode for Burp Proxy.
setRequest(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to update the request message.
setResponse(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to update the response message.
setSearchExpression(String) - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to update the search expression that is shown in the search bar below the editor.
setText(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to update the currently displayed text in the editor.
stringToBytes(String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to convert data from String form into an array of bytes.


toggleRequestMethod(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to toggle a request's method between GET and POST.
TOOL_COMPARER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Comparer tool.
TOOL_DECODER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Decoder tool.
TOOL_EXTENDER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Extender tool.
TOOL_INTRUDER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Intruder tool.
TOOL_PROXY - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Proxy tool.
TOOL_REPEATER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Repeater tool.
TOOL_SCANNER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Scanner tool.
TOOL_SEQUENCER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Sequencer tool.
TOOL_SPIDER - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Spider tool.
TOOL_SUITE - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify Burp Suite as a whole.
TOOL_TARGET - Static variable in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
Flag used to identify the Burp Target tool.


unloadExtension() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to unload the extension from Burp Suite.
updateCookieJar(ICookie) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to update the contents of Burp's session handling cookie jar.
updateParameter(byte[], IParameter) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method updates the value of a parameter within an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header.
updateWith(byte[]...) - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to update the analysis based on additional responses.
updateWith(byte[]...) - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to update the analysis based on additional responses.
urlDecode(String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to URL-decode the specified data.
urlDecode(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to URL-decode the specified data.
urlEncode(String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to URL-encode the specified data.
urlEncode(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to URL-encode the specified data.
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