- cancel() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method allows the scan queue item to be canceled.
- consolidateDuplicateIssues(IScanIssue, IScanIssue) - Method in interface burp.IScannerCheck
The Scanner invokes this method when the custom Scanner check has
reported multiple issues for the same URL path.
- CONTENT_TYPE_AMF - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate AMF content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate JSON content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate multi-part content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate that there is no content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate unknown content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_URL_ENCODED - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate URL-encoded content.
- CONTENT_TYPE_XML - Static variable in interface burp.IRequestInfo
Used to indicate XML content.
- CONTEXT_INTRUDER_ATTACK_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in an Intruder
attack results.
- CONTEXT_INTRUDER_PAYLOAD_POSITIONS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Intruder
payload positions editor.
- CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_REQUEST - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a request
- CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a response
- CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_REQUEST - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a non-editable
request viewer.
- CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a non-editable
response viewer.
- CONTEXT_PROXY_HISTORY - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Proxy
- CONTEXT_SCANNER_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Scanner
- CONTEXT_SEARCH_RESULTS - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in a search
results window.
- CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TABLE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Target
site map table.
- CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TREE - Static variable in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
Used to indicate that the context menu is being invoked in the Target
site map tree.
- createBurpCollaboratorClientContext() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new Burp Collaborator client context,
which can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the
Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using
those payloads.
- createMenuItems(IContextMenuInvocation) - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuFactory
This method will be called by Burp when the user invokes a context menu
anywhere within Burp.
- createMessageEditor(IMessageEditorController, boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp's HTTP message
editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
- createNewInstance(IIntruderAttack) - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
This method is used by Burp when the user starts an Intruder attack that
uses this payload generator.
- createNewInstance(IMessageEditorController, boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTabFactory
Burp will call this method once for each HTTP message editor, and the
factory should provide a new instance of an
- createTextEditor() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to create a new instance of Burp's plain text editor,
for the extension to use in its own UI.
- customizeUiComponent(Component) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to customize UI components in line with Burp's UI
style, including font size, colors, table line spacing, etc.
- generatePayload(boolean) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to generate new Burp Collaborator payloads.
- generateScanReport(String, IScanIssue[], File) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to generate a report for the specified Scanner
- getActionName() - Method in interface burp.ISessionHandlingAction
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the session handling
- getAttributeValue(String, int) - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the value of an individual attribute in a
- getBaseValue() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the base value for this insertion point.
- getBodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the offset within the request where the
message body begins.
- getBodyOffset() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the offset within the response where the
message body begins.
- getBuffer() - Method in interface burp.ITempFile
This method is used to retrieve the contents of the buffer that was saved
in the temporary file.
- getBurpVersion() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method retrieves information about the version of Burp in which the
extension is running.
- getClientIpAddress() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the client IP address from which the request for
the intercepted message was received.
- getCollaboratorServerLocation() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorClientContext
This method is used to retrieve the network location of the Collaborator
- getCommandLineArguments() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns the command line arguments that were passed to Burp
on startup.
- getComment() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the user-annotated comment for this item,
if applicable.
- getComponent() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method returns the UI component of the editor, for extensions to add
to their own UI.
- getComponent() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method returns the UI component of the editor, for extensions to add
to their own UI.
- getConfidence() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the issue confidence level.
- getContentType() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the content type of the message body.
- getContextMenuFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the context menu factories that are
registered by the extension.
- getCookieJarContents() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the contents of Burp's session handling
cookie jar.
- getCookies() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain details of the HTTP cookies set in the
- getDomain() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the domain for which the cookie is in
- getExpiration() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the expiration time for the cookie.
- getExtensionFilename() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method retrieves the absolute path name of the file from which the
current extension was loaded.
- getExtensionStateListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the extension state listeners that are
registered by the extension.
- getGeneratorName() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the payload generator.
- getHeaders(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
- getHeaders() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP headers contained in the request.
- getHeaders() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP headers contained in the response.
- getHelpers() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain an IExtensionHelpers
which can be used by the extension to perform numerous useful tasks.
- getHighlight() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the user-annotated highlight for this
item, if applicable.
- getHost() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the hostname or IP address for the service.
- getHttpListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP listeners that are registered by
the extension.
- getHttpMessages() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the HTTP messages on the basis of which the issue was
- getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for this request /
- getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderAttack
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for the attack.
- getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP service for the current message.
- getHttpService() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the HTTP service for which the issue was generated.
- getInferredMimeType() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the MIME type of the response, as inferred
from the contents of the HTTP message body.
- getInputEvent() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the native Java input event that was
the trigger for the context menu invocation.
- getInsertionPointName() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the name of the insertion point.
- getInsertionPoints(IHttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPointProvider
When a request is actively scanned, the Scanner will invoke this method,
and the provider should provide a list of custom insertion points that
will be used in the scan.
- getInsertionPointType() - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method returns the type of the insertion point.
- getInterceptAction() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the currently defined interception action.
- getIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload generator factories
that are registered by the extension.
- getIntruderPayloadProcessors() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Intruder payload processors that are
registered by the extension.
- getInvariantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the list of attributes that do not vary
between the analyzed responses.
- getInvariantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the list of keywords whose counts do not
vary between the analyzed responses.
- getInvocationContext() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the context within which the menu was
- getIssueBackground() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a background description for this type of issue.
- getIssueDetail() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns detailed information about this specific instance of
the issue.
- getIssueName() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the name of the issue type.
- getIssues() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns details of the issues generated for the scan queue
- getIssueType() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a numeric identifier of the issue type.
- getKeywordCount(String, int) - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the number of occurrences of an individual
keyword in a response.
- getListenerInterface() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves the name of the Burp Proxy listener that is
processing the intercepted message.
- getMessage() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method is used to retrieve the currently displayed message, which
may have been modified by the user.
- getMessage() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the currently displayed message.
- getMessageEditorTabFactories() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the message editor tab factories that are
registered by the extension.
- getMessageInfo() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves details of the intercepted message.
- getMessageReference() - Method in interface burp.IInterceptedProxyMessage
This method retrieves a unique reference number for this
- getMethod() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP method used in the request.
- getName() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the name of the cookie.
- getName() - Method in interface burp.IHttpHeader
This method is used to retrieve the name of the header.
- getName() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter name.
- getNameEnd() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the end offset of the parameter name
within the HTTP request.
- getNameStart() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the start offset of the parameter name
within the HTTP request.
- getNextPayload(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadGenerator
This method is used by Burp to obtain the value of the next payload.
- getNumErrors() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of network errors that have occurred for
the scan queue item.
- getNumInsertionPoints() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of attack insertion points being used for
the scan queue item.
- getNumRequests() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns the number of requests that have been made for the
scan queue item.
- getParameters(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
- getParameters() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the parameters contained in the request.
- getPath() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the path for which the cookie is in
- getPayloadOffsets(byte[]) - Method in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
This method is used to determine the offsets of the payload value within
the request, when it is placed into the insertion point.
- getPercentageComplete() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
- getPort() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the port number for the service.
- getProcessorName() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderPayloadProcessor
This method is used by Burp to obtain the name of the payload processor.
- getProperties() - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorInteraction
This method is used to retrieve a map containing all properties of the
- getProperty(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpCollaboratorInteraction
This method is used to retrieve a property of the interaction.
- getProtocol() - Method in interface burp.IHttpService
This method returns the protocol for the service.
- getProxyHistory() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns details of all items in the Proxy history.
- getProxyListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Proxy listeners that are registered
by the extension.
- getRemediationBackground() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns a background description of the remediation for this
type of issue.
- getRemediationDetail() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns detailed information about the remediation for this
specific instance of the issue.
- getRequest() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the request message.
- getRequest() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP request associated with the
current message (which may itself be a response).
- getRequestMarkers() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers
This method returns the details of the request markers.
- getRequestParameter(byte[], String) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method can be used to retrieve details of a specified parameter
within an HTTP request.
- getRequestTemplate() - Method in interface burp.IIntruderAttack
This method is used to retrieve the request template for the attack.
- getResponse() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponse
This method is used to retrieve the response message.
- getResponse() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorController
This method is used to retrieve the HTTP response associated with the
current message (which may itself be a request).
- getResponseMarkers() - Method in interface burp.IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers
This method returns the details of the response markers.
- getScanIssues(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns all of the current scan issues for URLs matching the
specified literal prefix.
- getScannerChecks() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner checks that are registered by
the extension.
- getScannerInsertionPointProviders() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner insertion point providers
that are registered by the extension.
- getScannerListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the Scanner listeners that are registered
by the extension.
- getScopeChangeListeners() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the scope change listeners that are
registered by the extension.
- getSelectedData() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method returns the data that is currently selected by the user.
- getSelectedData() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method is used to retrieve the data that is currently selected by
the user.
- getSelectedIssues() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve details of the Scanner issues that
were selected by the user when the context menu was invoked.
- getSelectedMessages() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve details of the HTTP requests /
responses that were shown or selected by the user when the context menu
was invoked.
- getSelectedText() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to obtain the currently selected text.
- getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection
into the current message, if applicable.
- getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection
into the displayed message, if applicable.
- getSelectionBounds() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method can be used to retrieve the bounds of the user's selection
into the displayed text, if applicable.
- getSessionHandlingActions() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to retrieve the session handling actions that are
registered by the extension.
- getSeverity() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the issue severity level.
- getSiteMap(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method returns details of items in the site map.
- getStatedMimeType() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the MIME type of the response, as stated in
the HTTP headers.
- getStatus() - Method in interface burp.IScanQueueItem
This method returns a description of the status of the scan queue item.
- getStatusCode() - Method in interface burp.IResponseInfo
This method is used to obtain the HTTP status code contained in the
- getStderr() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the current extension's standard error
- getStdout() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the current extension's standard output
- getTabCaption() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the caption that should appear on the custom tab when
it is displayed.
- getTabCaption() - Method in interface burp.ITab
Burp uses this method to obtain the caption that should appear on the
custom tab when it is displayed.
- getText() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to retrieve the currently displayed text.
- getToolFlag() - Method in interface burp.IContextMenuInvocation
This method can be used to retrieve the Burp tool within which the
context menu was invoked.
- getToolName(int) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method is used to obtain the descriptive name for the Burp tool
identified by the tool flag provided.
- getType() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter type.
- getUiComponent() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method returns the component that should be used as the contents of
the custom tab when it is displayed.
- getUiComponent() - Method in interface burp.ITab
Burp uses this method to obtain the component that should be used as the
contents of the custom tab when it is displayed.
- getUrl() - Method in interface burp.IRequestInfo
This method is used to obtain the URL in the request.
- getUrl() - Method in interface burp.IScanIssue
This method returns the URL for which the issue was generated.
- getValue() - Method in interface burp.ICookie
This method is used to retrieve the value of the cookie.
- getValue() - Method in interface burp.IHttpHeader
This method is used to retrieve the value of the header.
- getValue() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the parameter value.
- getValueEnd() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the end offset of the parameter value
within the HTTP request.
- getValueStart() - Method in interface burp.IParameter
This method is used to retrieve the start offset of the parameter value
within the HTTP request.
- getVariantAttributes() - Method in interface burp.IResponseVariations
This method is used to obtain the list of attributes that vary between
the analyzed responses.
- getVariantKeywords() - Method in interface burp.IResponseKeywords
This method is used to obtain the list of keywords whose counts vary
between the analyzed responses.
- IBurpCollaboratorClientContext - Interface in burp
This interface represents an instance of a Burp Collaborator client context,
which can be used to generate Burp Collaborator payloads and poll the
Collaborator server for any network interactions that result from using those
- IBurpCollaboratorInteraction - Interface in burp
This interface represents a network interaction that occurred with the Burp
Collaborator server.
- IBurpExtender - Interface in burp
All extensions must implement this interface.
- IBurpExtenderCallbacks - Interface in burp
This interface is used by Burp Suite to pass to extensions a set of callback
methods that can be used by extensions to perform various actions within
- IContextMenuFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register
a factory for custom context menu items.
- IContextMenuInvocation - Interface in burp
This interface is used when Burp calls into an extension-provided
with details of a context menu invocation.
- ICookie - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP cookie.
- IExtensionHelpers - Interface in burp
This interface contains a number of helper methods, which extensions can use
to assist with various common tasks that arise for Burp extensions.
- IExtensionStateListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
register an extension state listener.
- IHttpHeader - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP/2 header.
- IHttpListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register an
HTTP listener.
- IHttpRequestResponse - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve and update details about HTTP messages.
- IHttpRequestResponsePersisted - Interface in burp
This interface is used for an
object whose request and response messages
have been saved to temporary files using
- IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers - Interface in burp
This interface is used for an
object that has had markers applied.
- IHttpService - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide details about an HTTP service, to which
HTTP requests can be sent.
- IInterceptedProxyMessage - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent an HTTP message that has been intercepted
by Burp Proxy.
- IIntruderAttack - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an Intruder attack.
- IIntruderPayloadGenerator - Interface in burp
This interface is used for custom Intruder payload generators.
- IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register a factory for custom Intruder payloads.
- IIntruderPayloadProcessor - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
register a custom Intruder payload processor.
- IMenuItemHandler - Interface in burp
- IMessageEditor - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide extensions with an instance of Burp's HTTP
message editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.
- IMessageEditorController - Interface in burp
This interface is used by an
to obtain details about the currently displayed
- IMessageEditorTab - Interface in burp
Extensions that register an
must return instances of this
interface, which Burp will use to create custom tabs within its HTTP message
- IMessageEditorTabFactory - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
register a factory for custom message editor tabs.
- includeInScope(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to include the specified URL in the Suite-wide
- indexOf(byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in interface burp.IExtensionHelpers
This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a
specified pattern.
- INS_ENTIRE_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the body of the HTTP
- INS_EXTENSION_PROVIDED - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the insertion point is provided by an
- INS_HEADER - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP
request header.
- INS_PARAM_AMF - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an AMF
- INS_PARAM_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a body
- INS_PARAM_COOKIE - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP
- INS_PARAM_JSON - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item
of data within a JSON structure.
- INS_PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a
parameter attribute within a multi-part message body (such as the name of
an uploaded file).
- INS_PARAM_NAME_BODY - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added
body parameter.
- INS_PARAM_NAME_URL - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added
URL parameter.
- INS_PARAM_URL - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a URL
- INS_PARAM_XML - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item
of data within an XML data structure.
- INS_PARAM_XML_ATTR - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a tag
attribute within an XML structure.
- INS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at an unknown location
within the request.
- INS_URL_PATH_FILENAME - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the URL path
- INS_URL_PATH_FOLDER - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into a URL path folder.
- INS_URL_PATH_REST - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
- INS_USER_PROVIDED - Static variable in interface burp.IScannerInsertionPoint
Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at a location manually
configured by the user.
- IParameter - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details about an HTTP request parameter.
- IProxyListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register a
Proxy listener.
- IRequestInfo - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve key details about an HTTP request.
- IResponseInfo - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve key details about an HTTP response.
- IResponseKeywords - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent the counts of keywords appearing in a
number of HTTP responses.
- IResponseVariations - Interface in burp
This interface is used to represent variations between a number HTTP
responses, according to various attributes.
- IScanIssue - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve details of Scanner issues.
- IScannerCheck - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register a
custom Scanner check.
- IScannerInsertionPoint - Interface in burp
This interface is used to define an insertion point for use by active Scanner
- IScannerInsertionPointProvider - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register a factory for custom Scanner insertion points.
- IScannerListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register a
Scanner listener.
- IScanQueueItem - Interface in burp
This interface is used to retrieve details of items in the Burp Scanner
active scan queue.
- IScopeChangeListener - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
to register
a scope change listener.
- isEnabled(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
The hosting editor will invoke this method before it displays a new HTTP
message, so that the custom tab can indicate whether it should be enabled
for that message.
- ISessionHandlingAction - Interface in burp
Extensions can implement this interface and then call
register a custom session handling action.
- isExtensionBapp() - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method determines whether the current extension was loaded as a BApp
(a Burp App from the BApp Store).
- isInScope(URL) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to query whether a specified URL is within the
current Suite-wide scope.
- isMessageModified() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditor
This method is used to determine whether the current message has been
modified by the user.
- isModified() - Method in interface burp.IMessageEditorTab
This method is used to determine whether the currently displayed message
has been modified by the user.
- issueAlert(String) - Method in interface burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
This method can be used to display a specified message in the Burp Suite
alerts tab.
- isTextModified() - Method in interface burp.ITextEditor
This method is used to determine whether the user has modified the
contents of the editor.
- ITab - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide Burp with details of a custom tab that will
be added to Burp's UI, using a method such as
- ITempFile - Interface in burp
This interface is used to hold details of a temporary file that has been
created via a call to
- ITextEditor - Interface in burp
This interface is used to provide extensions with an instance of Burp's raw
text editor, for the extension to use in its own UI.