Does a university degree make for better pen testers? In the fifth episode of SwigCast, we explore higher learning with Daniel Dresner, Academic Cyber Security lead at the University of Manchester

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The cybersecurity industry is facing an ongoing skills shortage that has prompted calls for training and less restrictive qualifications in order to create a workforce to secure the digital infrastructure of the future.

Daniel Dresner is the current Academic Cyber Security lead at the University of Manchester in the UK. He’s been championing the teaching of cybersecurity within higher learning spaces since he first entered the cordoned off world of academia.

The benefits of a university education in cyber, Dresner says, is the ability of learning how to learn.

It’s a skill that may certainly fit into a fast-paced industry like information security. In the fifth episode of SwigCast, we speak to Dresner about what makes academia and infosec such natural bedfellows, and why the skills gap is a problem that’s often misunderstood.

Listen now.

SwigCast is a regular podcast that puts a variety of infosec topics under the microscope. Catch up and listen to previous episodes

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