

Creates a new schedule item, which exposes all of the scheduling data about a configured scan. When a scheduled scan is due to start, a Scan object is created based on the associated schedule item.


input: CreateScheduleItemInput!

The fields used to create a new schedule item.

Input Fields

site_id(): ID
Deprecated: Use the site_ids field instead, as that supports scheduling scans for multiple sites with the same schedule
The unique identifier of the site for which you want to create a schedule item.
site_ids(): [ID!]
The list of unique identifiers of the sites for which you want to create a schedule item.
folder_ids(): [ID!]
The list of unique identifiers of the folders for which you want to create a schedule item.
schedule(): ScheduleInput
The scheduling information for the new schedule item, such as when the scan should run and how often.
scan_configuration_ids(): [ID!]
A list all the scan configurations that you want to use for scans created from this schedule item.

Return Fields

schedule_item(): ScheduleItem!
The newly created schedule item.


mutation CreateScheduleItem($input: CreateScheduleItemInput!) {
  create_schedule_item(input: $input) {
    schedule_item {
  "input": {
    "site_ids": ["1", "2"],
    "folder_ids": ["7", "8"],
    "schedule": {
      "initial_run_time": "2043-06-21T00:00:00.000000Z",
      "rrule": "FREQ=HOURLY;COUNT=5;INTERVAL=2",
      "name": "Name",
      "description": "Description"
    "scan_configuration_ids": [],
    "verbose_debug": null