

Adds a new recorded login sequence for a given site. Note that you need to record the login sequence first using the Burp Suite Navigation Recorder browser extension in order to generate a JSON-based script. The script is used by scans to replicate the manual actions you performed in the browser. This enables Burp Scanner to handle more complex login mechanisms, such as single sign-on, in order to crawl areas of the site that are only accessible to registered users.


input: CreateSiteRecordedLoginInput!

The fields used to add a new recorded login sequence for a given site.

Input Fields

site_id(): ID!
The unique identifier of the site for which you want to add a new recorded login sequence.
recorded_login(): RecordedLoginInput!
The fields used to add a new recorded login sequence for a given site.

Return Fields

recorded_login(): RecordedLogin
The new recorded login sequence that was added to the site.


mutation CreateSiteRecordedLogin($input: CreateSiteRecordedLoginInput!) {
    create_site_recorded_login(input: $input) {
        recorded_login {
  "input": {
    "site_id": "6",
    "recorded_login": {
      "label": "login with admin",
      "script": "{}"