

Specifies the input fields required to create a new folder in the site tree.


parent_id(): ID!
The unique identifier of the folder to which you want to add the new folder as a child. To add the folder to the root level, enter 0.
name(): String!
The name for the new folder. This is the name that is displayed on the Burp Suite Enterprise Edition web UI.
description(): String
The description for the new folder.
scan_configuration_ids(): [ID!]
A list of IDs for scan configurations that you want to use for scans of the sites in this folder or its subfolders.
extension_ids(): [ID!]
A list of extension IDs for extensions that you want to use for scans of sites in this folder or its subfolders.
bcheck_ids(): [ID!]
A list of BCheck IDs for BChecks that you want to use for scans of sites in this folder or its subfolders.
email_recipients(): [EmailRecipientInput!]
A list of all the email addresses that receive scan reports whenever scans of sites in this folder finish.
Various settings that will influence settings on this site