

Mark an issue as a false positive.


input: MarkFalsePositiveInput!

Specifies the fields required to update when an issue is marked as a false_positive.

Input Fields

scan_id(): ID!
The unique identifier of the scan that found the issue that you want to mark or unmark as a false positive.
serial_number(): ID
The unique identifier for the individual instance of the issue that you want to mark or unmark as a false positive.
propagation_mode(): PropagationMode
Determines whether this change applies only to this instance of the issue, to all issues of the same type at the same URL, or all issues of the same type across the entire site.
note(): String
A user-supplied note.

Return Fields

successful(): Boolean
Indicates whether the false positive was successfully updated.


mutation MarkFalsePositive($input: MarkFalsePositiveInput!) {
  mark_false_positive(input: $input) {
  "input": {
    "scan_id": "18",
    "serial_number": "8788117787987606528",
    "propagation_mode": "issue_type_only",
    "note": "Looks like a false positive to me"