Burp is voted #1 web scanner

Dafydd Stuttard | 10 November 2011 at 09:06 UTC
burp hacktools

Every couple of years, SecTools.org carries out a survey of the most popular security tools, as voted for by thousands of users. The latest results are out and Burp has done pretty well:

Needless to say, I'm pretty happy with this result, especially given the survey's overall focus on network security tools.

Burp has come a long way since it started off as a hobby project which soaked up my spare time. Burp wouldn't be where it is today without the huge support I get from users - with useful feature requests, bug reports, and telling other people about the software. So I owe a massive thank you to everyone who uses Burp and has helped over the years.

Despite being number one, I will of course be trying harder. I'm working on a lot of cool new features for Burp, which will be released over the coming year. Please do keep the feature requests coming!