T-shirt competition winners
Dafydd Stuttard |
07 September 2015 at 13:44 UTC
We've just mailed out prizes to the winners of our T-shirt competition.

Below are the 40 entries that won a Burp Suite T-shirt:
- @0xdeadb - [...] callbacks.setExtensionName("I love Burp Suite because it can be extended for my specific needs"); [...]
- @7MinSec - I love Burp Suite because I can tell clients "I'm gonna hit you with a cluster bomb & then a pitch fork!" and not get arrested.
- @JGJones - I love Burp Suite because I can claim my baby daughter is an awesome hacker whenever she burps. Pic: with nethacker http://t.co/u5LwpKmeUk
- @JGamblin - I love Burp Suite because there is nothing like the CFO calling and asking "What is a Burp Suite is and why do we need 8 of them?"
- @SelsRoger - I love Burp Suite because it allows for repeatable - help I'm being held hostage in an XSS factory- results.
- @TryCatchHCF - I love Burp Suite because customizing Intruder attack types and positions show me the smoke that leads me to building the fire.
- @Yabadabaduca - I love Burp Suite because it satisfies my needs better than my husband
- @benholley - I love Burp Suite because @PortSwigger answers support emails personally. And quickly.
- @blitzfranklyn - I love Burp Suite because my wife says it makes me look sexy!
- @c0ncealed - I love Burp Suite because screenshots with: ? Credit Card Data / PII ? Site Secured by $vendor logo ? Burp Suite ...make a report!
- @c1472b039f12485 - I love Burp Suite because I intercepted this tweet and made it something wittier
- @crisp0r - I love Burp Suite because Peter Weiner grew up and stopped getting me into awkward conversations
- @eficker - I love Burp Suite because no matter what horse manure (read obscure) encoding a site happens to use, it always proxy's up in plaintext. <3
- @gsuberland - I love Burp Suite because SSBsb3ZlIEJ1cnAgU3VpdGUgYmVjYXVzZSBjbVZqZFhKemFXOXVJR2x6SUdaMWJnPT0=
- @infosecabaret - I love Burp Suite because You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version f
- @irsdl - I love Burp Suite because of the great minds behind it! because I loved WAHH ;) From WebAppSec lovers 4 WebAppSec lovers!!!
- @itsec4u - I love Burp Suite because .. it's your Swiss Army knife in the dark realm of AppSec threats !
- @j34n_d - I love Burp Suite because the repeater, repeater, repeater, repeater, repeater, repeater, repeater, repeater, is so easy to use.
- @jakx_ - I love Burp Suite because Peter weiner for president! Cc @peterwintrsmith
- @joshbozarth - I love Burp Suite because it’s better than Burp Sour.
- @lnxdork - I love Burp Suite, it works with my selenium scripts to make security checking web app updates into a repeatable process!
- @magnusstubman - I love Burp Suite because
- @michaelsmyname - I love Burp Suite because bug bounties wouldn't be as fun without it.
- @mikerod_sd - I love Burp Suite because I can simulate manual testing when I need to go to the doctors...... or recover from a hangover
- @n0x00 - I love Burp Suite because the sound of whimpering dev's denied 'go live' gives me a semi :D? ... too ... too much ?
- @n3tjunki3 - . I love Burp Suite because it's like a cheeky Nando's
- @phillips321 - I love Burp Suite because without it I could not have an 'extended' lunch break, thanks @PortSwigger for the Simulate manual testing feature
- @pjgmonteiro - I love Burp Suite because my favorite toy when I was younger were LEGO, now is the Burp Suite.
- @pytharmani - I love Burp Suite because some developers be like "what?? How?? Even with HTTPS??"
- @righettod - I love Burp Suite because it's like Nutella, once you have try it you cannot use another tool.
- @schniggie - I love Burp Suite because it's the best web security tool you can get and buy by only pwning one bug. ROI is almost 0day :-)
- @seanmeals - I love Burp Suite because it's helped me make a killing on bug bounties for a small investment of $300.
- @sizzop - I love Burp Suite because "><script>alert('pwnd')</script>
- @strawp - I love §Burp Suite§ §reasons§
- @thedarkmint - I love Burp Suite because it's the mutant Swiss Army knife of web testing
- @thegmoo - I love Burp Suite because it's possible to use Repeater to automate extreme participation in this contest
- @tsmalmbe - I love Burp Suite because it swiggs my ports just right
- @waptor75 - I love Burp Suite because it's my appsec Swiss Army chainsaw.
- @ydoow - I love Burp Suite because the price seems even reasonable to tight arse northerners
- @zebarg - I love Burp Suite because it made a vulgar word acceptable in professional conversations.