Professional Community

OpenAPI Parser

The OpenAPI Parser extension streamlines the process of assessing web services that use OpenAPI-based APIs. The extension offers the following features (not an exhaustive list):

  • OpenAPI specifications can be parsed from a file or URL. The extension can also fetch OpenAPI specifications directly from a URL using the Send to OpenAPI Parser option in the Target -> Site map context menu.
  • Parse OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as the Swagger Specification, fully compliant with OpenAPI 2.0/3.0/3.1 Specifications (OAS).
  • Requests can be directly viewed and edited within the extension before sending them to other Burp tools.
  • Requests can be sent to the following Burp tools:
    • Comparer
    • Intruder
    • Organizer
    • Repeater
    • Scanner
    • Scope
    • Site map
  • Requests matching specific criteria (set in the Parameters tab) can be intercepted to automatically replace the parsed parameter values with user-defined values. This feature allows for fine-tuning of the requests before sending them to other Burp's tools (e.g., scanner). Edited requests can be viewed within the Modified Request (OpenAPI Parser) tab of Burp's message editor.
  • Row highlighting allows pentesters to highlight interesting API calls and/or color-code them for screenshotting/reporting purposes.
  • Includes an export to CSV feature, allowing users to easily export selected API requests in CSV format for further analysis or reporting.
  • Supports both JSON and YAML formats.

If you encounter any issues, please raise an issue on the GitHub project page or contact me personally via LinkedIn.



Alexandre Teyar, Aegis Cyber








Last updated

Last updated

22 February 2024

Estimated system impact

Estimated system impact

Overall impact: Low


You can install BApps directly within Burp, via the BApp Store feature in the Burp Extender tool. You can also download them from here, for offline installation into Burp.

You can view the source code for all BApp Store extensions on our GitHub page.

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Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.

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Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.