Burp through the ages
Dafydd Stuttard |
04 October 2013 at 16:01 UTC
Here is a brief tour of the major releases of Burp from over the years. I can't believe it's been over 10 years already!
Burp v1.0
- Released June 2003
- First incarnation of Intruder tool
- Includes burp sound effects you can't turn off

Burp Proxy v1.0
- Released August 2003
- Basic intercepting proxy
- Text / hex views
- History feature

- Released August 2003
- First incarnation of Repeater tool
- So-called because it simply opens a socket and sends a request to it

Burp Proxy v1.1
- Released January 2004
- Tons more options!
- Supports chained proxy, authentication, match-and-replace
- Getting pretty sophisticated now

Burp Spider v1.0
- Released March 2004
- Application-aware spider
- Can follow links and submit forms

Burp Repeater v1.1
- Released July 2005
- New name for the sock tool
- Adds chained proxy and authentication options

Burp Suite v1.0
- Released August 2005
- All four Burp tools together
- Items can be easily sent between tools to speed up testing
- Supports passive spidering as you browse
- Extensibility
- A huge breakthrough!

Burp Suite v1.1
- Released November 2007
- New Sequencer, Decoder and Comparer tools
- New analysis of HTTP messages

Burp Suite v1.2
- Released December 2008
- Burp Scanner arrives
- New site map
- Tons of cool new features: scope control, view filters, search, invisible proxying
- The infamous Month of Burp Pr0n is published
- This is the big leap forwards!

Burp Suite v1.3
- Released January 2010
- Improved rendering and analysis of HTTP messages
- Content discovery
- Target analysis
- The crucial manual testing simulator

Burp Suite v1.4
- Released June 2011
- New logo (still home-made)
- Session handling rules and macros
- New ways to test access controls
- Works properly on OS X now

Burp Suite v1.5
- Released October 2012
- Another new logo (a proper one this time)
- New UI, with bells, whistles and capital letters.
- In-tool documentation
- Lots of cool new features