Enterprise Edition

Integrating a CI-driven scan with no dashboard with Jenkins

  • Last updated: October 1, 2024

  • Read time: 2 Minutes

This page contains instructions to integrate a no-dashboard scan with Jenkins. This enables you to use Burp Scanner to run web vulnerability scans as a stage in your existing CI/CD pipeline, and fail builds if vulnerability thresholds are met.

You configure the scan by defining a set of simple parameters in a YAML file. To learn how to configure the scan, see Creating a configuration file for a CI-driven scan with no dashboard.

These instructions have been tested with Jenkins version 2.387.3.

Before you start

Before you start, save the configuration for your no-dashboard scan as a YAML file. See Creating a configuration file for a CI-driven scan with no dashboard.

Jenkins server requirements

To integrate a no-dashboard scan with Jenkins:

  • Your Jenkins server or build node must have Docker installed.
  • No plugins beyond the Jenkins defaults are required to run a no-dashboard scan in a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline.

For information on the machine specification required to run a no-dashboard CI/CD scanner, see System requirements for CI-driven scan with no dashboard.

Configuring the Jenkins pipeline

  1. From the Jenkins Dashboard, click New Item.
  2. Enter an item name for your pipeline, click Pipeline, then click OK.

    Naming the Jenkins pipeline no-dashboard scan
  3. You can give your pipeline a Description.
  4. From the side menu, click Pipeline.
  5. From the Definition drop-down, select Pipeline script from SCM.
  6. Configure the Pipeline section to point to the relevant Jenkinsfile in your code repository. You must include any credentials used to access the repository.
  7. Click Save.

    Jenkins configure integration no-dashboard scan

Setting the configuration of your scan

To set the configuration for your scan, save your configuration file as burp_config.yml in the root of your application.

To learn how to create and edit the configuration file, see Creating a configuration file for a CI-driven scan with no dashboard.

Creating the Jenkinsfile

Create a Jenkinsfile in the corresponding location in your code repository. Add the following content to the file:

// Jenkinsfile for integration of a Burp Suite Enterprise Edition CI-driven scan with no dashboard. pipeline { agent any stages { stage ("Docker Run Example Scan") { steps { sh ''' docker run --rm --pull=always \ -u $(id -u) -v ${WORKSPACE}:${WORKSPACE}:rw -w ${WORKSPACE} \ -e BURP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=${WORKSPACE}/burp_config.yml \ public.ecr.aws/portswigger/enterprise-scan-container:latest ''' } } } post { always { junit testResults: 'burp_junit_report.xml', skipPublishingChecks: true, skipMarkingBuildUnstable: true, allowEmptyResults: true cleanWs() } } }

Viewing scan results in Jenkins

To view the results of your scan:

  1. Access the scan results by clicking the most recent build under Build History.
  2. Click Test Result. Here you can see any failed tests. See more details of a failed test by clicking it.

Remediation advice

You can see remediation advice for security issues that Burp Scanner finds under Stacktrace. This includes links to relevant sections of the free Web Security Academy resource, which provide further detail on web security vulnerabilities.

Remediation advice Jenkins no-dashboard scan


You can see evidence for security issues that Burp Scanner finds under Stacktrace. This evidence includes the request sent by Burp Scanner to produce the issue, as well as the response sent by the application.

Evidence Jenkins no-dashboard scan

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