Scan Burp Suite traffic for 800+ different types of secrets (API keys, passwords, SSH keys, etc) using TruffleHog!
Every 10 seconds the extension runs TruffleHog to check for secrets in Burp Suite traffic.
Note: If we can't automatically find the TruffleHog binary in your PATH, you'll need to specify the path to TruffleHog in the TruffleHog Burp Suite tab.
If "Verify Secrets" is enabled (default), the TruffleHog tab will only show secrets that are currently live.
Because we're scanning in 10 second intervals, there may be a lag of up to 15 seconds between loading a page containing a secret and seeing it displayed in the TruffleHog tab.
We separate the request/response headers from the request/response body content for analysis. We do this to add additional keyword context to the headers, which helps maximize the amount of secrets the extension can find.
Click on the TruffleHog tab to see available configuration options. When configuration changes are made,canges will take effect immediately.
By default, only "Proxy" traffic will be scanned. Configure analyzed traffic in the TruffleHog tab.
Secret Verification is Enabled by default. This means that the extension will attempt to verify each secret that it finds via an HTTP request. You can turn this off by de-selecting the "Verify Secrets" checkbox.
Overlapping Secret Verification is Disabled by default. This means that the extension will not allow overlapping secret checks. You can turn this on by selecting the "Allow Overlapping Verification" checkbox.
Author |
Truffle Security |
Version |
1.0.0 |
Rating |
Rating |
Popularity |
Popularity |
Last updated |
Last updated
11 March 2025 |
Estimated system impact |
Estimated system impact
Overall impact: Empty
You can install BApps directly within Burp, via the BApp Store feature in the Burp Extender tool. You can also download them from here, for offline installation into Burp.
You can view the source code for all BApp Store extensions on our GitHub page. |
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Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.
Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.