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Hackvertor is a powerful, versatile tool designed to supercharge your workflows by seamlessly converting, encoding, and transforming text or code. Whether you're a developer, hacker, or tech enthusiast, Hackvertor empowers you with advanced features like custom scripting, real-time preview, and an extensive library of transformations. It's your ultimate sidekick for tackling complex encoding challenges, optimizing processes, and unleashing creativity with precision and speed.

How to use

  • Navigate to the Hackvertor tab and enter some text in the input window
  • Make a selection of the text, and select one of the tags from the tag menu at the top
  • Click on of the tags to add it to the input
  • Hackvertor will convert the tags in the input and show the converted output

Hackvertor AI features

Use AI to generate code

This feature allows a user to generate custom tags in JavaScript, Python, Groovy or Java without any coding knowledge.

How to enable it

Go to "Hackvertor settings" in the "Hackvertor" menu and check the following options: Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to generate code

How it works

Go to the Hackvertor menu and create a custom tag (Hackvertor -> Create custom tag). Give it a tag name, such as "Reverse" and select your language. In this example, we will use "JavaScript".
In the code box, type your prompt. For example, "Reverse this text".
Then click the "Use AI to generate code" button. This will generate the JavaScript code for you, based on the given prompt.

AI custom tags

Hackvertor also allows you to generate custom tags from AI prompts directly.

How to enable it

Go to "Hackvertor settings" in the "Hackvertor" menu and check the following options:

  • Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to generate code

How it works

Go to the Hackvertor menu and create a custom tag (Hackvertor -> Create custom tag). Give it a tag name, such as "Reverse" and select "AI" as the language.
In the code box, type your prompt. For example, "Reverse this text".
Then click "Create tag". You can now use this custom tag in the Hackvertor interface.

Summarise custom tag code

This will use AI to automatically create a text description of any custom tag. This works when you create or update a custom tag.

How to enable it

Go to "Hackvertor settings" in the "Hackvertor" menu and check the following options:

  • Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to generate code
  • Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to summarise custom tag code

How it works

Simply create a custom tag in a language, such as JavaScript, and Hackvertor will automatically give you a text description of what the code does.

Note: This does not work when creating an AI custom tag, as the prompt itself provides a description.

Learn from Repeater

This feature analyzes Repeater requests with AI, and tries to automatically produce the relevant encoding and decoding custom tags.

How to enable it

Go to "Hackvertor settings" in the "Hackvertor" menu and check the following options:

  • Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to generate code
  • Hackvertor -> Settings -> AI -> Use AI to learn from Repeater

How it works

In Repeater, you need a request with an unknown encoding. For example, "\x66\x6F\x6F\x62\x61\x72"

Place this value in a GET parameter. For example:

	GET /?x=\x66\x6F\x6F\x62\x61\x72 HTTP/2
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.138 Safari/537.36
Cache-Control: max-age=0

Now send this request to Repeater around 5 times. After the 5th request Hackvertor should send the request to the AI for analysis. If successful, it should produce custom tags that encode or decode the encoding.

If you enable "Debug AI requests" in the Settings, you should see the conversation between Hackvertor and the AI.

When the tags have been created, they should be available in "Hackvertor -> List custom tags".

Copyright © 2015-2025 PortSwigger Ltd.



Gareth Heyes, PortSwigger








Last updated

Last updated

13 February 2025

Estimated system impact

Estimated system impact

Overall impact: Low


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Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.