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DOM-based vulnerabilities

In this section, we will describe what the DOM is, explain how insecure processing of DOM data can introduce vulnerabilities, and suggest how you can prevent DOM-based vulnerabilities on your websites.


If you're already familiar with the basic concepts behind DOM-based vulnerabilities and just want to practice exploiting them on some realistic, deliberately vulnerable targets, you can access all of the labs in this topic from the link below.

What is the DOM?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a web browser's hierarchical representation of the elements on the page. Websites can use JavaScript to manipulate the nodes and objects of the DOM, as well as their properties. DOM manipulation in itself is not a problem. In fact, it is an integral part of how modern websites work. However, JavaScript that handles data insecurely can enable various attacks. DOM-based vulnerabilities arise when a website contains JavaScript that takes an attacker-controllable value, known as a source, and passes it into a dangerous function, known as a sink.

Taint-flow vulnerabilities

Many DOM-based vulnerabilities can be traced back to problems with the way client-side code manipulates attacker-controllable data.

What is taint flow?

To either exploit or mitigate these vulnerabilities, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the basics of taint flow between sources and sinks.


A source is a JavaScript property that accepts data that is potentially attacker-controlled. An example of a source is the property because it reads input from the query string, which is relatively simple for an attacker to control. Ultimately, any property that can be controlled by the attacker is a potential source. This includes the referring URL (exposed by the document.referrer string), the user's cookies (exposed by the document.cookie string), and web messages.


A sink is a potentially dangerous JavaScript function or DOM object that can cause undesirable effects if attacker-controlled data is passed to it. For example, the eval() function is a sink because it processes the argument that is passed to it as JavaScript. An example of an HTML sink is document.body.innerHTML because it potentially allows an attacker to inject malicious HTML and execute arbitrary JavaScript.

Fundamentally, DOM-based vulnerabilities arise when a website passes data from a source to a sink, which then handles the data in an unsafe way in the context of the client's session.

The most common source is the URL, which is typically accessed with the location object. An attacker can construct a link to send a victim to a vulnerable page with a payload in the query string and fragment portions of the URL. Consider the following code:

goto = location.hash.slice(1) if (goto.startsWith('https:')) {   location = goto; }

This is vulnerable to DOM-based open redirection because the location.hash source is handled in an unsafe way. If the URL contains a hash fragment that starts with https:, this code extracts the value of the location.hash property and sets it as the location property of the window. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by constructing the following URL:

When a victim visits this URL, the JavaScript sets the value of the location property to, which automatically redirects the victim to the malicious site. This behavior could easily be exploited to construct a phishing attack, for example.

Common sources

The following are typical sources that can be used to exploit a variety of taint-flow vulnerabilities:

document.URL document.documentURI document.URLUnencoded document.baseURI location document.cookie document.referrer history.pushState history.replaceState localStorage sessionStorage IndexedDB (mozIndexedDB, webkitIndexedDB, msIndexedDB) Database

The following kinds of data can also be used as sources to exploit taint-flow vulnerabilities:

Which sinks can lead to DOM-based vulnerabilities?

The following list provides a quick overview of common DOM-based vulnerabilities and an example of a sink that can lead to each one. For a more comprehensive list of relevant sinks, please refer to the vulnerability-specific pages by clicking the links below.

DOM-based vulnerability Example sink
DOM XSS LABS document.write()
Open redirection LABS window.location
Cookie manipulation LABS document.cookie
JavaScript injection eval()
Document-domain manipulation document.domain
WebSocket-URL poisoning WebSocket()
Link manipulation element.src
Web message manipulation postMessage()
Ajax request-header manipulation setRequestHeader()
Local file-path manipulation FileReader.readAsText()
Client-side SQL injection ExecuteSql()
HTML5-storage manipulation sessionStorage.setItem()
Client-side XPath injection document.evaluate()
Client-side JSON injection JSON.parse()
DOM-data manipulation element.setAttribute()
Denial of service RegExp()

How to prevent DOM-based taint-flow vulnerabilities

There is no single action you can take to eliminate the threat of DOM-based attacks entirely. However, generally speaking, the most effective way to avoid DOM-based vulnerabilities is to avoid allowing data from any untrusted source to dynamically alter the value that is transmitted to any sink.

If the desired functionality of the application means that this behavior is unavoidable, then defenses must be implemented within the client-side code. In many cases, the relevant data can be validated on a whitelist basis, only allowing content that is known to be safe. In other cases, it will be necessary to sanitize or encode the data. This can be a complex task, and depending on the context into which the data is to be inserted, may involve a combination of JavaScript escaping, HTML encoding, and URL encoding, in the appropriate sequence.

For measures you can take to prevent specific vulnerabilities, please refer to the corresponding vulnerability pages linked from the table above.

DOM clobbering

DOM clobbering is an advanced technique in which you inject HTML into a page to manipulate the DOM and ultimately change the behavior of JavaScript on the website. The most common form of DOM clobbering uses an anchor element to overwrite a global variable, which is then used by the application in an unsafe way, such as generating a dynamic script URL.

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DOM clobbering