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Enterprise EditionProfessional

Crawl options

  • Last updated: February 6, 2025

  • Read time: 7 Minutes

Burp Scanner offers numerous settings that control how scans behave during the crawl phase. You can select these settings when you create or edit scan configurations in Burp Suite Professional or Burp Suite Enterprise Edition.

Crawl optimization

These settings enable you to tune Burp Scanner's behavior during the crawl phase, to reflect the objectives of the audit and the nature of the target application.

The following settings are available:

Crawl using my provided logins only

Burp Scanner skips the unauthenticated crawl phase if you have provided one or more application logins for it to use. It uses only your provided logins and does not attempt to self-register users or trigger login failures. This can reduce the overall crawl time.

If you don't provide any application logins, the crawler automatically performs an unauthenticated crawl instead.

Maximum link depth

Specify the maximum number of navigational transitions (clicking links and submitting forms) that the crawler can make from the start URL(s).

Modern applications tend to build navigation into every response, for example in menus and page footers. As such, it is normally possible to reach the vast majority of an application's content and functionality within a small number of hops from the start URL. Fully covering multi-stage processes (such as viewing an item, adding it to a shopping cart, and checking out) requires more hops.

Some applications contain extremely long navigational sequences that don't lead to interesting functionality. For example, a shopping application might have a huge number of product categories, sub-categories, and view filters. To a crawler, this can appear as a very deep nested tree of links, all returning different content. However, there are clearly diminishing returns to crawling deeply into a navigational structure such as this. It's sensible to limit the maximum link depth to a smaller number.

Crawl strategy

Real-world applications differ hugely in the way they organize content and navigation, the volatility of their responses, and the extent and complexity of the application state involved.

At one extreme, a largely stateless application may:

  • Employ a unique and stable URL for each distinct function.
  • Return deterministic content in each response.
  • Contain no server-side state.

On the other hand, a heavily-stateful application might use:

  • Ephemeral URLs that change each time a function is accessed.
  • Overloaded URLs that reach different functions through different navigational paths.
  • Volatile content that changes non-deterministically.
  • Functions where user actions cause changes in content and subsequent behavior.

The crawler can handle all of these cases. However, this imposes an overhead in the quantity of work involved in the crawl. The crawl strategy setting enables you to tune the approach taken to specific applications.

The default crawl strategy represents a trade-off between speed and coverage that is appropriate for typical applications. However, when you crawl an application with more stable URLs and no stateful functionality, you may want to select the Faster or Fastest setting. When you crawl an application with more volatile URLs or more complex stateful functionality, you may want to select the More complete or Most complete setting.

The Fastest crawl strategy differs from the other crawl strategies in some important ways:

  • Burp Scanner does not try to reset and reproduce the target application's state. It requests pages directly instead of navigating a path from the root directory.
  • Burp Scanner uses cookies from the cookie jar as initial values. This has a significant impact on authenticated crawling:

    • To perform an authenticated crawl, authenticate with the application using Burp's browser before crawling.
    • If you don't want to run an authenticated crawl, log out of the application before crawling.
  • Burp Scanner does not attempt to register a new user.
  • Burp Scanner attempts to authenticate when it discovers potential login forms, rather than in a separate phase. If you supply multiple sets of login credentials, only the first set is used.

Crawl limits

Crawling modern applications is sometimes an open-ended exercise due to stateful functionality, volatile content, and unbounded navigation. It's sensible to configure a limit to the extent of the crawl, based on your knowledge of the application being scanned. Burp Scanner uses various techniques to maximize discovery of unique content early in the crawl, to help minimize the impact of limiting the crawl length.

You can limit the crawl based on:

  • Time elapsed.
  • The number of unique locations discovered. A location represents a distinct unit of content or functionality, based on the selected crawl strategy.
  • The number of HTTP requests made.

Login functions

These settings control how the crawler interacts with login functionality during the crawl.


These settings are not compatible with recorded login sequences. When using recorded logins for a scan, the Login functions settings are ignored.

You can select whether the crawler should:

  • Attempt to self-register a new user on the target website. This removes the need to manually set up a user account before the crawl. You can still provide valid application logins in the scan launcher settings.
  • Use invalid usernames to deliberately trigger login failures. This enables you to reach account recovery features that can normally only be accessed when a user submits invalid credentials. Burp Scanner does not deliberately submit an invalid password for any of the usernames that you provide as application logins. This is to avoid triggering any account locking features on these accounts.

Handling application errors during crawl

These settings control how Burp Scanner handles application errors that arise during the crawl phase of the scan, such as connection failures or transmission timeouts.

You can configure the following options:

  • The number of consecutive timed out requests before pausing the task.
  • The overall percentage of timed out requests before pausing the task.
  • The number of follow-up passes that the crawler performs once the crawl is complete, to retry requests that timed out.

You can leave any setting blank to deselect it.

Crawl project option overrides

These settings enable you to specify timeout values for the crawl. These values override any you may have configured in the global settings.

Miscellaneous crawl settings

These settings enable you to customize some additional details of the crawl:

  • Submit forms - Controls whether Burp Scanner submits forms during the crawl.
  • Customize User-Agent - Enables you to specify a custom User-Agent header.
  • Request robots file - Controls whether Burp Scanner should fetch the target's robots.txt file and extract links from it.
  • Request site map - Controls whether Burp Scanner should fetch the target's sitemap.xml file and extract links from it. You can configure the maximum number of items to extract.
  • Follow hidden links in comments and JavaScript - Controls whether to parse HTML comments and JavaScript for URLs that are not visible within the page navigation. You can configure the maximum number of items to extract.
  • Parse API definitions - Controls whether Burp Scanner attempts to parse any API definitions it encounters to identify potential endpoints to scan. For more information, please refer to the API scanning documentation.
  • Perform GraphQL introspection - Controls whether Burp Scanner runs introspection queries on any GraphQL endpoints it finds when crawling.
  • Test common GraphQL endpoints - Controls whether Burp Scanner attempts to guess GraphQL endpoints using a list of common endpoint suffixes. This setting is only available if Perform GraphQL introspection is selected. Note that Burp Scanner does not attempt to guess GraphQL endpoints if it has already found a GraphQL endpoint during the crawl.
  • Application uses fragments for routing - Single-page applications (SPAs) often use URL fragments for client-side routing. This enables them to display what appear to be several distinct pages, without the browser making additional requests to the server. Burp Scanner needs to know whether the target application uses fragments in this way to crawl it effectively. By default, if a fragment contains any of the following characters, Burp Scanner assumes that it is used for client-side routing: / \ ? = &. However, you can use this setting to control this function manually.

Burp's browser options

These settings enable you to control the behavior of Burp's browser:

  • Use Burp's browser for Crawl and Audit - This setting controls whether Burp Scanner uses Burp's browser to navigate the target site. This is known as browser-powered scanning. By default, Burp Scanner only uses Burp's browser if your machine appears to meet the required spec for browser-powered scanning. This setting enables you to force Burp Scanner to use the browser, or to disable browser-powered scanning completely. If browser-powered scanning is disabled, scans use the legacy crawling engine.
  • Fetch required resources and data from out-of-scope hosts - This setting controls whether Burp Scanner issues requests to out-of-scope hosts where necessary. Websites often require the browser to load externally hosted subresources or fetch data from an API to function correctly. Allow these requests to help maximize the coverage of your scans. Out-of-scope requests are not audited.
  • Read timeout for site resources - This setting determines how long the crawler waits in milliseconds when it attempts to load subresources during the crawl.
  • Show the crawl in a headed browser - By default, Burp Scanner uses a headless browser for crawling. If you enable this setting, a new browser window opens when you start a scan. This enables you to watch the crawler navigate around the target website in real time. This can be useful for troubleshooting.


If you watch the crawl in a headed browser, you may see the crawler open multiple windows and stop using existing ones. This is expected behavior and is not indicative of any issues with the scan. Any redundant windows close automatically after a certain period of time.

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