Enterprise Edition
Settings menu
Last updated: March 10, 2025
Read time: 1 Minute
The settings menu contains shortcuts to several of the configuration menus used in Burp Suite Enterprise Edition. To access the settings menu, click the symbol in the top-right corner of the window. Choose from the following options:
- Scanning machines - configure scanning machines and scanning pools.
- Scan configurations - manage built-in and custom scan configurations.
- Extensions - add or edit extensions to implement custom scan behaviors and capabilities.
- Email - configure an SMTP server to enable email notifications.
- Updates - manage updates for standard instances.
- Licensing - review your current license, or upload a new license key.
- Network - configure your network settings.
- Integrations - integrate Burp Suite Enterprise Edition with your CI/CD platform.
- Integrations - integrate Burp Suite Enterprise Edition with your issue tracking platform.
- Integrations - integrate Burp Suite Enterprise Edition with Slack.
- Issue management - configure the default false positive, accepted risk, and edited issue severity settings for scans.
- Site and scan data - configure how sites and the data generated by scans are handled.
- User activity logs - enable and download user activity logs.
- Database backup - configure database backups.
- Miscellaneous - submit usage data about Burp Suite Enterprise Edition.