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Loading your extension in Burp

  • Last updated: February 13, 2025

  • Read time: 2 Minutes

Once your extension is ready, follow these steps to build a JAR file and load it in Burp Suite.


To ensure compatibility with the latest Montoya API changes and access new features, always use the latest version of Burp.

Step 1: Build the JAR file

To begin using your extension, you first need to compile your code into a JAR file. This is the package that can be loaded into Burp.

Gradle build command

To build the JAR file using Gradle, run the following command in the root directory of your project:

  • For UNIX-based systems: ./gradlew jar
  • For Windows systems: gradlew jar

If successful, the JAR file is saved to <project_root_directory>/build/libs/<project_name>.jar.

Maven build command

To build the JAR file using Maven, run the following command in the root directory of your project: mvn clean package. This command works on all platforms.

If successful, the JAR file is saved to <project_root_directory>/target/<project_name>-<version>.jar.

Step 2: Load the JAR file in Burp

To load the JAR file into Burp:

  1. In Burp, go to Extensions > Installed.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Under Extension details, make sure that Java is selected as the Extension type.

  4. Click Select file.

  5. Select the JAR file you just built, then click Open.

  6. [Optional] Under Standard output and Standard error, choose where to save output and error messages.

  7. Click Next to load the extension into Burp.

  8. Review any messages displayed in the Output and Errors tabs.

  9. Click Close.

Your extension is listed in the Burp extensions table. You can test its behavior and change the code as necessary.

Reloading your extension

If you change the code, you must rebuild the JAR file and reload your extension in Burp for the changes to take effect.

To rebuild the JAR file, follow the steps for building the JAR file.

To quickly reload your extension in Burp:

  1. In Burp, go to Extensions > Installed.

  2. Hold Ctrl or Cmnd and select the Loaded checkbox next to your extension.

Sharing your extension

We'd love to see what you've created!

Share your extension on our PortSwigger Discord #extensions channel to get feedback, showcase your work, and connect with other developers.

Then take it to the next level by submitting your extension to the BApp store, making it available to the community of 80,000+ testers worldwide. For guidance on the submission process, see Submitting extensions to the BApp store.

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