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Burp Organizer

  • Last updated: December 19, 2024

  • Read time: 2 Minutes

Burp Organizer is a tool that enables you to store and annotate copies of HTTP messages that you want to come back to later. Use Burp Organizer to better organize your penetration testing workflow, for example to:

  • Store messages that you want to investigate later.
  • Save messages that you've already identified as interesting.
  • Save messages that you want to add to a report later.

Sending messages to Organizer

You can send HTTP messages to Burp Organizer from other Burp tools. Right-click the message and select Send to Organizer, or use the default hotkey Ctrl + O. Each message that you sent to Organizer is a read-only copy of the original message, saved at the point you sent it to Organizer. If you added notes in another Burp tool, these are copied across into Organizer.

Once you've sent a message to Organizer, you can edit any notes and update the status of the message. You can also send the message to other Burp tools for further investigation.

Organizer table

Messages are stored in a table, which contains the following columns:

  • # - The request index number.
  • Time - The time the request was made.
  • Status - The workflow status that you have applied to the message, for example Done or Paused.
  • Tool - The Burp tool that the message was sent from, such as Burp Repeater or Burp Intruder. If the message is sent from Burp Logger or from an item that is already in Organizer, then the tool identified here is the tool that originally generated the HTTP request.
  • Method - The HTTP method.
  • Host - The server hostname.
  • Path - The URL file path.
  • Query - The URL query string.
  • Param count - The number of parameters in the request.
  • Status code - The HTTP status code of the response.
  • Length - The length of the response in bytes.
  • Notes - Any notes that you have made.

You can customize and sort the table contents. For more information, see Customizing Burp's tables.

Right-click any item in the table to view the context menu. This enables you to perform actions that can drive your testing workflow. For example, you can send an item to another Burp tool.

You can search in the table and choose which messages are shown in the table. For more information, see Filtering Burp Organizer.

You can also import and export Organizer items as part of a project file. For more information, see Project files.

Viewing HTTP messages

To view the request and response, click on any Organizer item. The request and response are both read-only.

To search within the request or response, select the message, then use the search bar below the message. For more information, see Text editor - Quick search.

You can choose to view either the Inspector panel or Notes panel beside the request and response. To toggle between these, click on the tabs.

Organizer inspector / notes tabs

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